Contact Us

We value every opportunity to connect with our clients, partners, and industry peers.
Whether you have a question, a project inquiry, or simply want to learn more about our innovative new energy solutions,
we're here to help. To make it easy for you to reach out,
we've compiled our key contact details below in a convenient list format.

China Office
Add:       With a large range of templates, sources of inspiration and information
Tel:         400-188-2546
Eamil:     service @
Fax:        020-895644653
Moblie:  +86 15918740522
Australia Office
Add:       With a large range of templates, sources of inspiration and information
Tel:         400-188-2546
Eamil:     service @
Fax:        020-895644653
Moblie:  +86 15918740522
If you have any queries, get in touch today! Don't hesitate. We try to take the extra step for our customer satisfaction.
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